十大彩票平台 has advanced to the national championship tournament in men's soccer, women's soccer, men's basketball, golf, and wrestling, 赢得女子足球全国团体冠军(2006年)和多个男子和女子摔跤全国个人冠军(2018年), 2 in 2019, 2 in 2020).
Intercollegiate Athletic Teams
Basketball | Men's Basketball | Women's Basketball |
Soccer | Men's Soccer | Women's Soccer |
Wrestling | Men's Wrestling | Women's Wrestling |
Prospective Student-Athletes
对特定项目感兴趣的未来学生运动员应直接与总教练联系. Contact information is located on team webpages.
有关一般问题,请致电(413)755-4061与体育部联系,或访问位于西贝利大厅的体育办公室, Building 2.
参加十大彩票平台校际运动队的学生运动员不收取任何费用. 项目可以为其成员选择购买特定的团队物品,这可能会导致额外的费用, but items would then belong to the individual.
Intramural and Recreational Activities
In addition to 十大彩票平台’s competitive teams, 许多校内和娱乐活动已经提供给学生和校园人口. Past activities have included: indoor soccer, basketball, bowling, softball, floor hockey, and volleyball.
十大彩票平台 student-athletes have transferred all over the United States. To become marketable to a four-year college or university, 学生运动员应该努力在课堂上和在竞技场上都出类拔萃. 许多学生运动员也选择从其他院校转学到十大彩票平台. 十大彩票平台及其体育管理机构在转学方面有具体的指导方针. 对这些规则或其资格有疑问的未来学生运动员应联系体育和健身主任,电话:(413)755-4061.
Our Facilities
The Scibelli Hall gymnasium holds an NCAA regulation basketball court, equipped with a floating, cushioned, hardwood floor with two training courts with five baskets, Daktronics Scoreboard System and bleacher seating for 450. It also houses 3 competition wrestling mats for practices and competitions. 十大彩票平台’s gymnasium has hosted regional championships in both basketball and wrestling.
The 十大彩票平台 soccer field has served as a site for both state and regional championships. Sitting in the middle of the National Armory parade ground, it offers an historic environment in the center of campus.
摔跤训练室为十大彩票平台的全国竞技摔跤队提供了一个特殊的训练空间. 训练室可以容纳多达30名学生运动员进行高水平的训练.
Fitness Center
The Fitness Center is located in Scibelli Hall, Building 2, Room 117. It is available to all currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff. 这个设施通常被体育项目用来为高水平的体育运动做准备. 健身中心为十大彩票平台校园社区提供课前或课后锻炼的机会. 健身中心配备了Cybex有氧运动设备和力量训练机, as well as a large selection of free weights. 我们训练有素的工作人员可以帮助会员熟悉设备,并帮助他们达到健身目标.
Membership is free. 所有用户必须有一个有效的RamCard ID,并将被要求填写该设施的责任和政策表格. Members must present their RamCard, every visit, to gain access to the facility and will not be permitted to use equipment without it.
Hours of Operation
- Monday: 6 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Wednesday: 6 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Thursday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Friday: 6 a.m. - 4 p.m.
*Hours are subject to change during holidays and college breaks. 如有问题或时间安排更新,请致电413-755-4966与健身中心咨询台联系
十大彩票平台与美国代客公园及其专业司机签订合同,运送运动员往返于新英格兰地区及周边地区的赛事. 如果一个队或运动员进入全国锦标赛,可能需要根据距离和时间做出其他安排.
Disability Services
需要住宿的准学生或在校生应致电755-4785或通过电子邮件联系残疾服务办公室 at least two weeks in advance.
公众人士或需要住宿的员工可以联系凯瑟琳·C. Senie, Director of Compliance, Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator, and ADA Coordinator at 413-755-5642 or at least two weeks in advance.
Pregnant Student-Athletes
根据第九条的保护,学生运动员可以作为怀孕和/或有父母的学生继续参加他们的运动, or apply for a redshirt season (if pregnant). 十大彩票平台 prohibits the discrimination of Student-athletes based on their pregnancy, childbirth, conditions related to pregnancy, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery, or parental or marital status; and the college offers reinstatement to the same position after pregnancy as they held before the onset of pregnancy.
For additional information please contact Kathryn C. Senie, J.D., Ed.D., Director of Compliance, Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator, and ADA Coordinator at 413-755-5642 or
Scibelli Hall/Building 2/Room G6
Monday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday: Remote Operations
Wednesday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: Remote Operations
Alberto Nieves
Coordinator of Athletics & Fitness
Vincent Grassetti
PT Asst. to the Coordinator of Athletic & Fitness